You could date massage therapy back thousands of years and find it in many different cultures. Even Hippocrates the father of modern medicine who changed the face of health-care and paved the way for the scientific study of medicine valued massage therapy as a way to improve and maintain your health.
Quote “The physician must be experienced in many things, but assuredly also in rubbing; for things that have the same name have not always the same effects. For rubbing can bind a joint that is too loose and loosen a joint that is too rigid … Rubbing can bind and loosen; can make flesh and cause parts to waste.” Hippocrates (460 to 377 B.C.)
The myth! There is a misconception many people share, massage therapy is only a luxury only deserved on special occasions! You may hear someone say “I want to spoil myself with a massage” or “I am treating myself to a massage”
It could be a lack of education or misunderstanding about massage. The fact is, it’s an ally to keeping you well and the vast majority still don’t consider massage therapy as a regular option for better health and vitality.
It’s slowly changing with more and more people taking responsibility for their own health by questioning, investigating and seeking out the truth when it comes to their health. My goal is to provide information that will provide you with new insights that are useful in your path to wellness.
Quote “The physician must be experienced in many things, but assuredly also in rubbing; for things that have the same name have not always the same effects. For rubbing can bind a joint that is too loose and loosen a joint that is too rigid … Rubbing can bind and loosen; can make flesh and cause parts to waste.” Hippocrates (460 to 377 B.C.)
The myth! There is a misconception many people share, massage therapy is only a luxury only deserved on special occasions! You may hear someone say “I want to spoil myself with a massage” or “I am treating myself to a massage”
It could be a lack of education or misunderstanding about massage. The fact is, it’s an ally to keeping you well and the vast majority still don’t consider massage therapy as a regular option for better health and vitality.
It’s slowly changing with more and more people taking responsibility for their own health by questioning, investigating and seeking out the truth when it comes to their health. My goal is to provide information that will provide you with new insights that are useful in your path to wellness.
I only follow what science tells, it's obviously the truth.